After a long hiatus, I’m trying to get back to posting here. I’ve still been cooking (and certainly eating) but made a big move from Los Angeles to New York City. Now that I’m all settled, back to the good stuff.
I love baking bread but haven’t been doing it much because I end up eating way too much. I did bake a loaf this winter when it was nice and cold outside, and a bit chilly inside my little NYC apartment (which I love). I’m not going to say what I think it looks like. I’ll let you decide. Needless to say, there are a lot of jokes waiting to happen. Feel free to post them.
I used the no-knead technique that everyone has been talking about (ad nauseum) for the past few years, ever since Mark Bittman wrote about it in the NY Times. I don’t blame them, as it’s probably the single easiest way to a spectacular loaf of bread. I’m not going to say anything more about the technique other than to say that if you haven’t tried it, try it. Here is the original video from 2006. If you watch the video, you’ll see why it’s easy to end up with a funny shaped loaf. Even one that looks like a…

More butt loaves
Apparently butt bread is a thing. Especially Corgi Butt loaves which looks like it’s popular in Japan. I found lots of butt loaves on Google Images. Enjoy!